At that meeting, they said, they will present information on steps already taken to cut chip production and encourage more imports.
This is a costly approach, especially compared with something like chip production.
While the association's members account for most American chip production, 200 or so small semiconductor companies are not members.
But the costs of expanding chip production will not pay off with higher sales until the second half of the year, the company said.
About 20 to 25 percent of its chip production is sold to other Motorola enterprises.
One was a control group of workers who were not engaged in chip production.
Beginning in the late 1980's, the company expanded its chip production around the world.
By next year, China is expected to assert itself as a bigger force in chip production.
A recent project in Arizona, for example, went from ground breaking to chip production in 16 months.
But it licenses chip production to local Chinese partners.