As Buck does so deftly with words, Buehner links Rob's barn to Jesus' manger, even adorning the chilly sky with angelic cloud shapes.
After the excitement of pumpkins and Christmas trees, the North Fork looks bleak and abandoned, with bare vines stretching into the distance under chilly gray skies.
Fireworks exploded in the chilly sky and three tons of confetti coated the crowd.
Under chilly but clear skies, the wagon train arrived Thursday afternoon in North Bend, on the Platte River nearly sixty miles west of Omaha, Nebraska.
With a swish of its tail it cleared the housetops and floated up into the chilly sky.
With a fireball brighter than the Siberian sun, Selenos 8 rose into a chilly blue sky carrying the 110-ton manned lunar station.
After several mild, breezy winters in a row, the bowl-shaped capital has found itself caught under chilly skies with only rare breaths of wind.
Atlantis, with a crew of six, blasted into chilly, pre-dawn skies today on flaming rockets that remained visible from the launching site for almost eight minutes.
And somewhere beyond those chilly skies was the real spring of blossom and the summer of roses.
When Gul Ragat and sixty-five lesser mortals were finally mustered under the chilly, gray sky, Old Migar and cold-eyed Dukat inspected them.