They also say that state investigators may have induced a child witness to concoct a chilling tale of ritual torture and sacrifice.
It is a chilling tale, largely set in the late 19th century, and involving anonymous letters, sleazy journalism and a notorious court case.
She told the chilling tale with a sly relish and it brought back hideous memories for Wyl.
Susan Walsh told Maine legislators a chilling tale in January.
But the "Frontline" report is more than a chilling tale.
In late September a 13-year-old girl was taken by donkey cart to the African Union cease-fire commission's office here with a chilling tale.
From Norway came the chilling tale of a 5-year-old girl kicked to death by Ranger-inspired playmates.
For example: Diane bursts into the bar and announces, "I have a chilling tale!"
Even the book's most chilling tale is played as dark comedy.
But he tells a chilling tale about calls from United States government agents at the time of the first Gulf War, in 1991.