Also, the rainwater drenching down the metal skin of the bank quickly chilled the interior, and made everybody feel a little stiff and rheumatic.
The room chilled quickly.
They offered no protection against the cold, and her fingers quickly chilled as she peeled back the outer layer of muslin.
At the edge of the water she was no longer shielded from the wind, and the sweat on her skin quickly chilled.
Cold water from melted ice quickly chilled the lava causing it to fragment into highly abrasive glass particles that were then carried into the eruption plume.
The mix was incubated at 95 C for 5 minutes and chilled quickly on ice for 2 minutes.
Now the wind tore at the woman, whipping her hair across her face, quickly chilling her.
That's pretty much what Data just did . . . Her warm feeling of nostalgia quickly chilled.
My damp wet suit quickly chilled in the funneled wind.
Kestrel's thin fingers chilled quickly, and he stuffed his hands into the pockets of his coat to warm them.