"Oh, Anna," she said, and the kindly childish tears welled up in her eyes.
Watching Padgett's face quiver into childish tears as he turned away.
Marion stood with her back to the window, and she knew he couldn't see her furious, childish tears.
Unable to say more, and angry at myself for always losing my control and breaking into childish tears, I turned away again.
Malcolm pressed his face to the rock, caught between childish tears and a man's fury.
For a moment she was on the verge of an outburst of childish wild tears.
She would not let Pat stand too long, looking after Aunt Hazel, tranced in her childish tears.
People looking at him - Desperate, childish tears, hot salt, welled up in his throat and closed it.
But now they swam with childish tears.
I couldn't have gotten a word out, and I turned away to wipe my eyes because I didn't want them to see any childish tears.