The film follows the life of the legendary tenor from childhood poverty in Naples to the beginning of his rise to fame.
I do not support legislation that imposes time limits on welfare, because it glosses over the root causes of childhood poverty.
Small Fortunes: Spending on children, childhood poverty and parental sacrifice.
White's childhood poverty made her frugal with money.
The humiliation experienced in the childhood poverty, were incentives for her to get a hold of a decent life.
Indeed, while many Americans grew wealthier during the 1980s and 1990s, the rate of childhood poverty in America was actually rising by 20 percent!
But there is general agreement that conditions for poor children have improved since 1993, when childhood poverty was at its highest in a decade.
Studies have shown that household structure sometimes has a connection to childhood poverty.
This is adapted from Janet Frame's strange, dramatic autobiography about childhood poverty, years in a mental hospital and success as a novelist.
As someone whose own childhood poverty cut short his education in the ninth grade, he nonetheless introduced me to the world of books and ideas.