Yet recent evidence has linked recent childhood infection with the bacteria to behavioral disorders.
The faint pit, a scar from a childhood infection, is still visible beneath her bangs.
Childhood vaccination has been a great public health success story, responsible for large national declines in childhood infection.
Effective vaccines against six childhood infections allow an estimated four million children to survive each year.
Learn how to avoid and treat those nasty childhood infections and infestations.
The number of people living with cognitive abilities seriously damaged by childhood infections is high; estimated in hundreds of millions.
Improved sanitation and access to clean drinking water can reduce childhood infections and diarrhea.
The effect persists in certain regions with widespread childhood infection, but will soon die out in Western industrialized countries.
This very common childhood infection sometimes requires a surgical procedure called "myringotomy and tube insertion".
Some researchers suggest this is the result of better hygiene, which has reduced the number of childhood infections.