But this relative newcomer to the list of childhood immunizations should soon become well known, especially to parents with youngsters in day care programs.
The usual course of childhood immunization is five doses between 2 months and 15 years.
Financing for childhood immunizations has increased from $160 million in 1993 to $1.5 billion in 2005.
To be sure, most parents who now resist childhood immunizations are well intentioned.
The same year he voted against a proposal to increase funds for childhood immunization by $25 million.
He said it was not easy to increase rates of childhood immunization, for example, because many parents are reluctant to vaccinate their children.
The increases will go for early education for poor children, childhood immunization, women's health and drug abuse treatment.
But his Administration was slow to provide adequate funding for childhood immunizations.
Children using this medication should be current on all childhood immunizations before starting treatment with abatacept.
Under current law, Medicaid programs must cover childhood immunizations.