The school has offered to supervise children whose parents cannot find suitable childcare arrangements.
We shall continue to encourage the development of childcare arrangements in the voluntary and independent sectors.
We get few reports, but the childcare arrangements usually receive excellent reviews.
The positive effects were largely due to the quality of childcare arrangement and afterschool programs that accompanied the move from welfare to work for these recipients.
The group called on the government to improve childcare arrangements, arguing that the high cost was preventing mothers returning to work.
Thanks Louise for telling us all about your childcare arrangements... Makes you look almost like one of us.
Makes childcare arrangements slight difficult to say the least.
We are all volunteers who work, who will need to make childcare arrangements as it's the school holidays.
Left: Katie, despite being given a place in the finals, resigned, citing potential difficulties in making childcare arrangements should she be offered the job.
Parenting groups warned that the extra days off will put families under strain, as working parents struggle to make childcare arrangements for the unusually long break.