The Government is to spend £45m over the next three years to address the lack of child-care facilities for school children.
There would be central child-care facilities available during hir shift, certainly.
These women lived in small urban areas which low, or bad child-care facilities.
The young women working at the child-care facilities were excellent and seemed to genuinely enjoy their charges.
Another bill would grant tax breaks to companies that have on-site child-care facilities.
The requirement that family day care centers, which are small child-care facilities run out of individual homes, have two distinct fire exits is not new.
This includes child-care facilities and all institutions for children.
It would also require the federal government to establish "a network of child-care facilities."
A big expansion of child-care facilities, and full-time rights for part-time workers.
Another thought occurred to him and he looked around the simulated child-care facility.