Lately, she has also been writing a book on how children view their parents' jobs.
As I grew older, both my parents seemed oblivious to how a child like me would view their actions.
And if children don't view themselves as athletic or physically active, it can be even more difficult to get them moving.
And even if some adults grow tired of these things, many children view Christmas through fresh eyes each year.
Both certificates were recommendations intended to help parents decide what their children could view.
In this age range, children view death as a kind of sleep: the person is alive, but in some limited way.
It affects negatively both how children view themselves and their whole adult lives.
But when the age gap between siblings is large, younger children often view their older brothers and sisters in a different light.
Parents are reminded that children view the world from a different perspective and should not be expected to act like miniature adults.
All too often, children view what they do in school as having little relevance to their daily lives.