The child studies it, memorises it and writes it on his paper from memory.
While completing his doctoral work, he engaged in child study.
I am perfectly happy for state schools to, in my view, "up their game" and insist all child study the subjects I insist on.
The parents are told to make sure each child studies the script and knows all the lines.
Part of the college course was to do a child study of a baby or very young child: Sara studied her own sister.
Have your child study the place and write in her history log what she sees and hears.
It evolved over the years to include the health/nutrition, hospitality, child studies and community services programs.
Examples of nonce words previously used in child developmental studies include:
That can be extremely expensive - especially if the child studies abroad.
They are required to do a year-long child study and to eventually teach an individual day among other projects.