The Tuatha'an stood on the green with children strapped to their backs, the few of their own that survived and ours.
He noted that he had seen one walking on a wire in Liverpool Street in the city with a child strapped to his back.
Women traveling with children were permitted seats so that they might hold their children safely strapped on their laps.
The children, strapped in car seats, are taken to a day care center for the children of farm workers.
The child strapped into the booster seat was too large for it.
It appeared to be a popular family destination, too - the parents displaying classic Austrian ski-school technique, the children strapped into snowboards.
The singular child strapped into the passenger seat across from him in the bare, unfinished shell of the transport was the holographic doctor.
Ms. Dhikpala, a 52-year-old grandmother, runs on her heavily calloused bare feet, with a child strapped to her back, whichever one happens to be around.
He comes out of the lobby wheeling a bicycle, the child strapped in a baby seat.
They risked infection - some with children strapped on their backs - and they got a whole city up and running in a matter of days.