Let a child squirm into a group of octogenarians, for instance, and the vitality spreads.
Around him children squirmed and laughed as he flapped his hands at their advances.
The children, kept up long after their bedtime, squirmed and dozed.
When they step into the audience to salt a few small heads, the children squirm with delight.
The child squirmed clear, to find herself in the steel gauntlets of another knight.
The child, Alfred, squirmed uneasily between his father and mother.
The child squirmed with his duffel until Kirk lifted it from him.
"I have to-" The child cast down her eyes and squirmed.
Simultanously both children squirmed out of the arms of their parents and pelted toward the door that led into the house.
The child squirmed uneasily in her seat as she waited for the doctor.