Truman intended these meals to promote and protect child malnutrition, while supporting consumption of American farm products.
There are no signs of child malnutrition or outbreaks of serious diseases like cholera.
The results were outstanding in improving health outcomes due to child malnutrition and absolute poverty declined.
Again, little improvement has been made in reducing child malnutrition in the region as a whole.
Measures have been taken to reduce child malnutrition.
In spite of its roaring economic growth, India still has higher rates of child malnutrition than any other country.
Residents say the aquatic animals they used to eat have died and that child malnutrition is widespread.
Also, "child malnutrition fell from 22% to 12% and life expectancy increased from 56 to 64.
Six months after the launch, the project has been found to significantly reduce child malnutrition and increase school attendance.
The most pronounced example is an exceptionally high and persistent level of child malnutrition (46% in 2005-6).