"And that will decrease the amount of victimization these children are unwittingly exposing themselves to."
Studies have found that children exposed to cocaine during fetal development experience problems with language, behavior, development, and attention.
The disputed photographs show adult men in erotic poses and children with their genitals exposed.
How many disabled children exposed to "The Kid and I" will insist their parents give them the same movie-star opportunity?
All too often, children exposed to violent behavior become perpetrators of violence, themselves.
This allows small invertebrates to shelter under it, and children can expose them by lifting the trapdoor.
Let them molest small children, practice sadism and maschonism, expose themselves in public, the works.
Grief, shame, and low self esteem are common emotions that children exposed to domestic violence experience.
The survey also reported that it is most commonly practiced in urban areas, where mothers fear their children could be more exposed to sexual abuse.
They said children are more exposed to blood when a youngster scrapes a knee in a school playground.