Men, women and children of the villages congregate in mass to glimpse this event.
At CuisinArt, stay away from the main pool (where ball-tossing children congregate).
Supporters of the measure said it would also help Delaware law-enforcement authorities patrolling schools, playgrounds and other areas where children might congregate.
"It has nothing to do with the quality of day care," she said, adding that diseases are spread wherever children congregate.
The Greys are a dysfunctional family, with the adult children still living in or congregating around the family home.
The children from Wilsecker congregate in the holy week to celebrate an old tradition which is called klappern.
After we first arrived, the children congregated outside our house each and every morning, which confused us.
Similarly, it was the place that children would congregate to play stoop ball.
Would ban tobacco ads visible outdoors near schools, day care centers, playgrounds and other places where children congregate.
In every city where he paints, children congregate around his project, peppering him with questions about marine mammals and his painting techniques.