The question of what to do with young children accused of crimes has long troubled the city.
Many times the child accused of witchcraft, due to being shunned, threatened community members, thereby enforcing their beliefs that the child was a witch.
They handle mostly nonviolent first-time defendants: children accused of shoplifting, vandalism and other crimes unlikely to be prosecuted otherwise.
Mr. Mones, who has built a private practice representing children accused of killing their parents, started his professional career as a Legal Aid lawyer.
The documentary detailed reported "terrible crimes committed against children accused of witchcraft," and premiered as an HBO feature in 2010.
And the pope's response to the killing and torture of children accused of witchcraft was (apologies for the length!)
It will, I suspect, make it impossible to look at children accused of violent crimes the same way again.
But Connecticut's juvenile facilities hold everyone from runaways and truants who violate court orders to children accused of violent crimes.
Jeanne Milstein, the state's child advocate, said strip-searches made sense for children accused of serious crimes.
These pastors have been involved in the torturing and even killing of children accused of witchcraft.