Every child in Nyandarua can access school with ease.
Any children who are at the age between 4 years and 14 years can access this section.
Screen what a child can access on the Internet.
Approximately 200 parents and teachers consult with the company to prescreen sites to permit children to access the Internet a safe, controlled manner.
A child who learns to open a door may access the swing for the first time and learns to use the swing.
However children aged between 13-17 can access second life, but they will be restricted to what they can see or do based on age.
"It is the lack of government schools and the tiny education budget that means children can't access schooling," he says.
However, if your sister is worried about the children accessing "inappropriatye material", controls aren't always effective at screening out the bad stuff.
Parents so inclined can have their children access a similar, but youth-oriented, anti-drug site.
Some people criticized pornographic services on Minitel because children could access them.