But the fact remained that what chiefly attracted Wolfe about food in his pharynx was the affair it was having with his taste buds, whereas with me the important point was that it was bound for my belly.
For a while Dharmsala chiefly attracted backpacking hippies from Europe and the Americas, drawn by the beliefs of the Tibetan Buddhists, bhang peddlars who haunt the back lanes of McLeod Ganj and incredibly low prices for meals and hotel rooms.
A man at luncheon had been talking about Japan-- Watching the crowd, Jimmy had found his attention attracted chiefly by a party of three, a few tables away.
Mr. Stiefel likes to ride a motorcycle and what chiefly attracted him to ballet, he says, is the opportunity to place his hands on women's bodies.
Musicians like James, who spurred the country blues revival, seemed strangely foreign to many of us avidly credulous white Northerners, attracted chiefly to their music but also to the romantic existentialist myths of the black troubadour.
As with the Oxford converts, what chiefly attracted them in their new Church was its authority, and its crude self-confidence in cutting through complex intellectual issues.
Next to these, questions of maritime defence and strategy chiefly attracted him in his later years.
But naturally, it was his long, stiff, straight, grand-looking prick and the big rough bunch which formed his handsome balls underneath, in their velvety wrinkled bag, which chiefly attracted my burning eyes, for there it was, that truly stalwart prick, pointing up at my face!
On his return to Żółkiew, after having partially recovered, he again took up philosophy, reading Kant, Johann Gottlieb Fichte, and Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling, and subsequently Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, whose system chiefly attracted him and exerted a great influence on his views.