I was going to say, if you had given me leave, that a chief ingredient in my composition is a most determined firmness.
The ability to make copies in mind-boggling quantities, ceaselessly and perfectly, was the chief ingredient of mass culture.
It is a chief ingredient of the American bear claw pastry.
A major sore point is Quorn's labeling, which says its chief ingredient "comes from a small, unassuming member of the mushroom family."
A chief ingredient of the American dream is on track, statistically.
When ground it is the chief ingredient of the ink used in copperplate printing.
He remains a goad to creativity, a chief ingredient of which, he used to say, is simply having fun.
This forms the chief ingredient in a Cingalese curry, from which it entirely derives its richness and fine flavor.
As a chief ingredient in "fanning powder", it is used by magicians performing card manipulation to decrease the friction between the cards.
Notably, it is the chief ingredient in the bread injera, an important component of Ethiopian cuisine.