Their chief duty is to ensure their own survival and that of their tribe (in that order).
His chief duty is overseeing a 30-member team responsible for assessing the immediate outlook for the global economy.
Their chief duty involves attacking all who opproach them, particularly aquatic elves.
It was presided over by a keen-eyed Italian, whose chief duty was watching out for petty thieves.
A chief duty, he said, would be to promote greater cooperation between local governments on both sides of the border.
The administration of finances was a chief duty of the Imperial Court.
Even diplomats whose chief duty is to explain American policy to foreign populations are often unable to speak the language.
'What arc the Form captain's three chief duties?'
A chief duty is to create the rings of faradhi.
Muslims, she tells us, "have looked for God in history"; their "chief duty was to create a just community."