Patrick J. Buchanan, the President's chief Republican challenger, is scheduled to make several appearances in the state, a campaign spokesman said.
Mr. Traficant's chief primary challenger, State Senator Robert F. Hagan, made government corruption his main issue and went down fighting.
His chief challenger, Daniel Feldman, is a five-term State Assemblyman with no prosecutorial or significant managerial experience.
Mr. Dinkins's chief Democratic challenger, City Council President Andrew J. Stein, has been characterized by critics as impudent.
He was the chief challenger at the tournament held the following day.
Senator Enrile is considered Mrs. Aquino's chief political challenger.
Mr. Ravitch's first goal is to overtake Mr. Goldin as Mayor Koch's chief white challenger.
He predicted the decline of the United States as a world power only a few years before America's chief strategic rival, the Soviet Union, fell apart and its chief economic challenger, Japan, entered decade-long stagnation.
His chief challenger is Mr Paul Davies, a Transport and General Workers' Union district official.
Their chief challengers will be the East Germans, particularly Marlies Gohr in the 100 and Heike Drechsler in the 200, and possibly Drechsler in the 100 if she is entered.