Steven Banks, chief attorney for Legal Aid, said that the city had moved to evict no more than two dozen people since 2003.
Max Brown, the chief attorney for the hospital, said he advised the medical staff not to remove the life support for the Linares child.
The chief attorney for the association, Elsa Cole, said the judgment would almost certainly be appealed.
He had chosen Coombes for chief attorney, and thinking of that made him feel bet-ter.
He currently serves as chief attorney in the San Francisco Public Defender's office.
Thomas later became chief attorney at the Arizona Department of Corrections.
Philip Lacovara, the chief attorney for the applicants, stressed in his opening statement what he said was the urgent need for such an arrangement.
He ultimately rose to the rank of chief attorney of the office and served in that capacity for three years.
After his 1,500 hours were complete, the group hired Kennedy as its chief attorney.
Richard Hartman, the chief attorney for the union, left in 1988 after his use of union funds came under scrutiny.