The chicken crate was history; nameless bits and pieces were scattered around the grave.
Lucynell was sitting on a chicken crate, stamping her feet and screaming, "Burrddttt!
The herb witch pushed him down on a chicken crate, and kicked her rickety door shut with the back of a bare, bony heel.
The woman with the chicken crate glared at her-- perhaps she thought Ara was a prostitute--and stomped out of the square.
But it was no good sitting here, this close to chicken crates, because that was a good way to catch lice, and just the thought of it made her scalp itch.
They had hardly reached the open road when they heard fresh sounds of firing, and turning to peer back over the chicken crates Gregory saw that the new battle for Lillehammer had started.
Down the road a piece was a weathered house set among scrub pines, weeds, a pile of busted chicken crates, and tires (traditional landscaping in Maggody).
Soon as we'd done that, the apple barrel landed on the chicken crate and stove it in.