All sandwiches are $6.75, except for the chicken Parmesan, which is a dollar more.
Volunteers slowly unload a truck full of 4,000 frozen portions of chicken Parmesan from a New York restaurant.
Though it was far too early for dinner, the Spirit of Ontario menu promised choices like chicken parmesan ($11.95) and pork tenderloin ($14.75).
At lunch, he ordered chicken Parmesan and bantered with his mother, reminding her of the family line about Jin's passion for rap lyrics.
Among them is a recommended chicken Parmesan ($13).
Kevin Smith, who often served the men their protein shakes and chicken parmesan wraps, described them as seriously devoted to fitness.
Here's a tasty replacement for chicken parmesan - where your recipe calls for chicken, use thin slices of eggplant instead.
Main course prices go from $11.95 for chicken Parmesan to $19.95 for rack of lamb, while pastas are priced in the $8.95-$12.95 range.
"Today they had a great chicken parmesan."
They push their peas around the plate, turn up their noses at chicken parmesan and won't even consider broccoli.