She's also troubled about her chest size, something Horis constantly jokes about.
Along with comparing guys your height then by Age, Weight, and chest size.
Studies have shown that the sea's pressure at 400 feet compresses his chest size from 50 to 20 inches.
I've been working with the artist, giving him all my dimensions and that, making sure he increases my chest size by a few inches.
She also develops a tan in the third game and her chest size has noticeably increased.
The second most important quality of a working terrier is small chest size.
At the age of 16 she became 'very curvy' and her chest size had increased rapidly.
All children's lifejackets state a maximum weight and chest size that must not be exceeded.
Females in video games had significantly larger heads, but smaller chest sizes, waists, and hips than the average American woman.
Female characters are distinguishable by their long hair and chest size, often used to comedic effect.