The tears scalded, and his chest shuddered desperately, unable to breathe, and still the sobs came.
His chest shuddered as he tried desperately to hold his opponent's weapon aside.
His chest was heaving and shuddering.
His chest shuddered with each quivering breath as he looked to the darkness for Harry, finding only the silence that cloaked them for a response.
And twice his head and chest shuddered with tearless sobs.
Her chest shuddered with the deep, asthmatic cough of one constantly subjected to battlefield pollutants.
A spasm threw the girl back against Kirk's chest, her small warm body solid, shuddering.
Deeply, she sighed, her chest shuddering with the intensity of it.
His chest shuddered, filling with oxygen, and it seemed his body was working normally again.
So Thunder called, his massive chest shuddering and his broad feet slamming against the ground.