It was sort of hard to tell, lying on its stomach, chest caved in, and the head missing.
Pa's chest caved in before he fell backward onto the ground.
The man screamed, spraying blood through smashed teeth, then choked and fell silent as his chest caved in.
The push was so violent that the Sidhe's chest caved in and he disappeared completely.
Mr Toad's chest caved in like a bad piece of roofing.
Even as she watched, its chest caved in, its contents gone to mush and jelly.
His chest suddenly caved in, as if someone had swung a sledgehammer at a barrel.
He went down with his chest caved in like a broken peach-basket.
When the detective stood, his shoulders slumped forward, his chest caved in.
Riker felt as if his chest were caving in.