Seldon, on the other hand, could not wipe the cherubic smile from his face.
A tall, lanky redhead with blue eyes and a cherubic smile, he looks too polite to be a fighter.
He gave me a cherubic smile.
But then she thought of Joey's sweet face and his cherubic smile, and she went upstairs.
A petite 49-year-old woman with a cherubic smile and a fancy for diamonds, she started out from a modest background, the daughter of a military officer.
Hepfinger looked up and smiled his cherubic smile again.
The man turned to give Blade a cherubic smile.
"She didn't," the old woman repeated, with a cherubic smile, and a voice creaking with age.
The cherubic smile of the Trosper's captain was precisely as she'd expected.
She was suddenly minute in his grasp; he cooed at her, made foolish faces to bring a cherubic smile to bloom.