The President took a seat at the big cherry desk, and the others found seats around him.
Sterling Brinkley, an investment banker, and his wife, Clare, were sitting at a $3,999 cherry desk deciding whether to add it to their purchases.
He paused, then turned and walked back to the President's wide cherry desk.
In front of the closer set, a huge cherry desk stretched across a vivid Oriental carpet with two elegant leather chairs stationed before it.
Enough for an oak chest and a cherry desk.
I'm going to do the last touches on the cherry desk.
Furniture consisted of a large cherry desk with a black leather executive chair behind the desk and two client chairs to the front of the desk.
Carissa was seated at her cherry writing desk.
The cherry desk was large and masculine.
A state-of-the-art fax dominated the corner of a beautiful, antique cherry desk.