"Our chemists discovered how to customize molecular sieves so they selectively attract odor-causing molecules," he said.
Until chemists discovered how to produce aluminum cheaply and efficiently, it was the must-have metal, selling for $600 a pound (more expensive than gold).
A German industrial chemist named E.A. Geitner discovered nickel silver in the early 19th century.
At the same time, German chemists discovered a new class of chemical weapons, far more deadly than early agents, nerve agents.
Complicating matters even more, in 1907 another chemist, George Urbain, discovered that the remaining element was actually two.
Like the simple smile on the painting, the reaction may be far more complex than chemists have so far discovered.
The inorganic chemists discovered the properties of cacodyl as a ligand for transition metals.
But what it was that the Tefflan chemist had discovered, no Tefflan knew, and no Magyan found out.
Over the course of the past century, chemists have discovered several methods to improve the yield of the reaction and carry it out under less strenuous conditions.
This is when chemists discovered the simplest substances that make up all other substances.