When chemists created inexpensive substitutes for carmine, an industry and a way of life went into steep decline.
These pigments were among the easiest to synthesize, and chemists created modern colors based on the originals that were more consistent than colors mined from the original ore bodies.
Improvising From Crude Supplies Neither time nor money is available for original research, but the chemists have created jobs for themselves by applying their technical knowledge toward improvising complex plant machinery from the crude materials on hand.
Even more recently chemists at the University of Nebraska created a humidity gauge by using gold plated bacteria on a silicon chip.
The apéritif was introduced in 1846, when a French chemist, Joseph Dubonnet, created his eponymous wine-based drink as a means of delivering malaria-fighting quinine.
In addition to its environmental advantages, supercritical carbon dioxide promises to allow chemists to create new types of polymers.
Dr. Lipscomb said that chemists might one day create synthetic compounds of this type that could mimic the action of natural enzymes.
Among his concerns, Catlin said, is that chemists create steroids and sell them to athletes without first conducting tests for safety.
But a team of Italian scientists has conducted experiments showing that medieval chemists could easily have created imitation blood that would do the same thing.
This chemist also created napalm and sodium fluoride acetate for the Jaysh Muhammad insurgents.