As oxygen from the air chemically interacts with the wine, flavor and aroma are believed to be subtly altered.
During phases of mountain range formation, there are at the surface many minerals which can chemically interact with carbon dioxide.
Natural phenols chemically interact with many other substances.
Phenols chemically interact with many other substances.
Those cells then chemically interact with the dermal papilla, an operation that promotes cell division and maturation.
Dr. Garrido said many small silicone compounds were biologically active, which means they can interact chemically with other molecules in the body.
In its liquid state, water enables elements to chemically interact in a manner that ice won't permit.
Nearly massless, these gases were assumed by Mendeleev to permeate all matter, rarely interacting chemically.
Biomarkers interact chemically with their surroundings and in turn alter the image according to molecular changes occurring within the area of interest.
Come early afternoon, he said, the sun's rays interact chemically with the gases in the air, increasing their toxicity.