Polyquaternium-5, polyquaternium-7, and polyquaternium-47 are three examples, each a chemically different type of polymer.
In many cases, according to the report, the substitute drugs are chemically different and can have serious health consequences for certain patients.
Both are chemically different from natural estrogen, which could not be taken as a pill because it is broken down by the digestive tract.
This is an example of a chemical change because the end products are chemically different from the substances before the reaction.
Pfizer says there is no evidence that its drugs have problems similar to Vioxx because they are chemically different.
The distinction is often important, because the double bond is chemically different from two single bonds.
I also wonder about carbon uptake rates being so different based on a chemically different world.
Though chemically different from the older drugs, Ambien works in a similar way.
They said it was chemically different from other bone material and infused with blood vessels.
It is chemically different from ordinary whale oil, being mostly liquid wax.