But some Standish residents say they fear dioxin and other chemicals will seep into their ground water.
His act also included eating fire until he learned that the chemicals used in the trick could seep into his liver.
The Coast Guard sent a pollution response team to determine whether the chemical had seeped into the bay.
Many say they are worried that the chemicals are seeping toward the community well.
The chemical will seep through the soil and be absorbed into the plant.
He used to eat fire, too, until he learned that the chemicals seeped into one's liver.
The chemical had already seeped into a pocket of flesh near my collarbone.
Oil and other chemicals seep into the soil, polluting the underground water.
The chemicals have seeped into underground water supplies in the area.
Still, it must be acknowledged that whether or not chemicals seep into our bodies from food, they can certainly do damage to the earth.