From the chemicals listed below, which one produces acid rain?
What to do if you are exporting chemicals listed in Schedule 2 or 3 of the Chemical Weapons Convention?
The chemicals, listed in Schedule 3 of the Chemical Weapons Convention, are considered to have legitimate dual-use applications, but are also known precursors of nerve agents.
Existing chemicals include any chemical currently listed under section 8(b).
Has it analysed the trade-marked substances to determine whether they contain only the chemicals listed by Cuadrilla?
In countries that require a list of ingredients in products, the "chemicals" listed would be equated with "chemical substances".
Other chemicals listed are known to cause neurological disease or birth defects.
Any industrial chemical listed on the AICS is regarded as an 'existing' industrial chemical.
Any industrial chemical not listed on the AICS is regarded as a 'new' industrial chemical.
Drug producers in Latin America, Asia and elsewhere make large purchases of the 20 chemicals listed in the bill.