Ramsay considered all aspects in making his decision, including how each chef ran the kitchen and every customer feedback card.
We learned something else by having a professional take over a home kitchen: chefs run through more pots and pans than health clubs do towels.
He also says the top chef at one of Vancouver's best restaurants is now running the kitchen on the train.
The chef really runs into problems with his entrees.
A chef, he said, runs a kitchen and is responsible for more than just cooking.
Desserts were a bit lackluster, as if the chef had run out of energy.
I will be there for the first month, but my old chef from the Duck is running it.
One enterprising chef ran up and knocked on our window as we pulled over.
Lampreia has the old-fashioned air of a restaurant where the chef is running the show to his standards.
An unnamed chef who has been hired from a well-known Manhattan steakhouse will run the kitchen.