The chef opened and shut his mouth several times before nodding his silent consent.
So there was much anticipation before the Michelin-starred chef opened this classic brasserie.
But with every culinary adventure, a chef opens himself to the wrath of members.
The chef paced, opened the oven every so often, basted the bird and sprinkled on more salt.
It seems that every chef with a recognizable name is opening places as fast as he can.
WHEN a well-known chef opens his own restaurant, you expect to see a big ego on display.
The slender, stunned chef opened his eyes in panic, started to scream, then collapsed back into the pillows.
Older chefs expanded existing restaurants and opened new ones; younger chefs swept into town.
The restaurant mania of the 1980's encouraged the most fashionable chefs to open more than one expensive place, sometimes in different cities.
The chef opens the door and the double line freezes.