George started an anecdote that had nothing to do with anything; Ronnie munched a cheese pastry, and the clones looked a bit dazed.
At lunch over borscht, pork cutlets and cheese pastries, all the talk is about who is winning and who is losing at which ministries.
Mothers made cheese pastries and honey and nut delicacies with an extra supply for bachelors to take to their hotel rooms and boardinghouses.
And how much chicer still to have a silver tray of delicious stuffed olives in cheese pastry in my hands.
Today a part of that building is occupied by the French Bourekas Corporation, which produces frozen spinach and cheese pastries.
Do try the hot appetizer of fried cheese pastries.
- Mexican quesadillas (cheese pastries) or Spanish paella.
It serves French and continental cuisine and is noted for its meat dishes and goat's cheese pastry.
Coalition Fleet Commander Ra-ghoratreii pulled the small cheese pastry backward, away from Pike's face, and popped it into his own mouth.
The seadas con miele (fried Sardinian cheese pastry with honey) will make a soul-satisfying finale to your meal.