For God's sake, don't eat those cheese enchiladas for breakfast.
They've stuck with the distinctive cheese enchiladas ($2.95 each or four for $5.95) that are more Tex than Mex.
But we scoop cheese enchiladas with chili gravy and beef tamales onto our plates.
Peter had plain cheese enchiladas.
When the waitress arrived with more food and beer, he mumbled a thank you and immediately began shoveling cheese enchiladas into his mouth.
Inside, they made their plans over "cheese" enchiladas and beans from the green-houses.
A cheese enchilada was a pallid disappointment, but a dish most North Americans will probably skip was noteworthy.
When I ordered stacked cheese enchiladas, my waiter asked the key question that New Mexicans passionately debate: green or red chili?
Guacamole, cheese enchiladas and Mexican beer for two cost $8.25.
A successful American Mexican restaurant had to be cheap, low-key, not clean, and serve portions of cheese enchiladas large enough to require a doggie bag.