They're no match, however, for two nasty, cynical noblemen who keep interrupting their cheerful talk with jeers and insults.
Her cheerful talk about enjoying a welcome rest after the rigors of the long forest trek started to sound hollow.
This was slightly compensated by their close relationship within the community, and cheerful talks in their spare times.
Somehow she got through the rest of the evening; the drive back, the cheerful talk, the vague plans for her return to Holland and then the cheerful goodbyes.
The children were subdued in her presence and as I struggled to make cheerful small talk I began to wish I hadn't brought her.
He was grateful for the captain's cheerful talk, but he himself had no appetite.
So now he filled the time with cheerful small talk, Kro responding briefly when something appropriate occurred to him.
Tom says many disabled people feel threatened by genetic advances and are hurt by cheerful talk about engineering a world without people like them.
We tried to make cheerful small talk, but this was rendered almost impossible by the deafening thunder of the rotor blades.
She was awake when Judith did her final early morning round, though; full of cheerful small talk, but Judith learned nothing of her personal life.