There are twenty songs in the cycle, around half in simple strophic form, and they move from cheerful optimism to despair and tragedy.
She is the main protagonist, noted for her cheerful optimism, altruistic nature, and great sympathy for others.
"Your cheerful optimism never fails to delight me, Hastings!"
The Book of Job was the first sign of revolt against this cheerful optimism.
Believe me, Bailey, we shall miss him - his energy, his cheerful optimism.
His characters have an air of intelligence without melancholy, and of cheerful optimism that is never saccharine.
The contrast between her dour feelings of defeat and the cheerful optimism Daniel shared with his sailors suddenly amused her.
The cheerful optimism that had once defined his personality was gone.
'As long as it's later,' he remarked with cheerful optimism, 'I'll try not to let it worry me.'
They still exude the same cheerful optimism about life's possibilities and the world's wonders awaiting the reader's discovery.