The other warriors washed the sweat from their skins, their cheerful laughter easing his heart.
As commentator, he was known with his cheerful loud laughter, grayed hair and apparent but innocent favoritism to Yomiuri Giants.
After a time, there came the sleepy, cheerful laughter of the men, evidently teasing her about something.
The tables were loud with chattering and cheerful laughter, a daily respite from the solemnity imposed at most times upon the priestesses.
From behind him came peals of cheerful raucous booming laughter and high-pitched giggling and the sound of splashing water.
He glanced back and the man on the corner was looking after him and there was light, cheerful laughter suspended in the air.
A subdued hum of conversation, of polite, well-bred phrases mingled with cheerful laughter.
His fellow Surveyors were now some way ahead of him; the murmur of their talk, their brief but cheerful laughter, drifted back to him down the tunnel.
It wasn't derisive laughter, it was encouraging, cheerful and sympathetic laughter, but for the last twenty-six years it would echo back and forth in my brain.
The children rushed down the halls and began the task with cheerful laughter.