You will recognize the man by his gray hat, light checkered suit, and a black brief case which he always carries.
It is first sung as a lament of the man in the double-knit checkered suit when his car is destroyed.
He was invariably seen wearing a checkered suit and a soft felt hat.
A barker in a checkered suit sat in the middle of these portraits and worked to enlarge the small crowd he had gathered.
He paused a moment to straighten the lapels on his checkered suit.
As they reached the front door, the rotund man fished in the pocket of his checkered suit.
A middle-aged man in a checkered suit stopped directly across from the telephone and rattled a coin on the cigar counter.
The man, neatly groomed and dressed in a natty checkered suit, carried no identification.
Marvelous, who wore only the trousers to his checkered suit, pulled nervously at a hair on his chest.
Marx gave his checkered suit to the Salvation Army.