Distantly music throbbed like the phony bass of a cheap radio.
When Shadow Love moved in, he brought a heavy coat, a plastic air mattress, a cheap radio with earphones, and his gun.
It was Comrade Wolf's voice, pouring like liquid amber from the cheap little radio.
Jillian followed the direction and saw that Natalie was pointing at a simple, cheap radio.
Mass production had made cars, telephones, and radios relatively cheap and widely available throughout the developed world.
It has moved far beyond the days when it made plastic flowers and cheap radios.
Just like a cheap radio, it works one moment and then, the next, you're somewhere else and don't hear a thing.
He had a cheap radio but no place to plug it in.
His voice was becoming tinny, too, as though coming from a cheap radio.
His voice was warped, as though he was speaking out of a cheap radio.