The cheap paperbacks you can get of these are very small print and low quality paper so Kindle is good.
Yet the cheap, mass-produced paperback has been with us for more than half a century.
Although the library's administrative independence was established by law last year, its paper collection is still small and full of cheap, cast-off paperbacks.
In the 1950's Dover grew rapidly, riding the public's appetite for cheap paperbacks.
Perhaps a whole new generation will find out why short, lurid, cheap noir paperbacks were once such fun to carry around.
I think there is a place for expensive, nicely bound books as well as cheap paperbacks.
While you're up there, check out the bookstore that sells a few English titles including a small collection of cheap, used paperbacks.
In the old days, when publishers spoke about reaching the mass market, it was via cheap and cheerful rack-size paperbacks.
I had grown up on public libraries, but cheap paperbacks made it possible to have a library of my own.
He fingered a cheap paperback he had bought to read on the tube.