Then a small boy appears with a large pile of magazines and cheap novels as well as bags of peanuts.
Not as in the cheap novels, the Hollywood legends.
Then, reading the mind of her visitor like a cheap novel, she added, "You have to be a pussycat, too."
It's like something out of a cheap novel.
"Like one of those cheap novels about Cairo and what-not."
As with a cheap novel, it is hard to avoid the conclusion that this book is marred by its happy ending.
By the early 1850s, he had established a reputation as a printer of covers for a type of cheap novels known as yellow-backs.
"It's like something out of the cheapest novel," Mr. Daye said about the events.
Until then, cheap novels are the only way to fly.
'This is where, in a cheap novel, the couple - confronted by imminent oblivion - would suddenly make passionate love.'