And in New York, with its high labor costs, there is no such thing as a cheap fix.
When the cars slow down, the men mouth silent promises of a cheap fix.
Although the meals are often cheap and quick fixes, they provide the reader with an understanding of the Ogatas' unique place in the world.
A cheaper fix is to remove warheads from existing missiles.
Take what must be the greatest cheap medical fix in all of history: the bar of soap.
Stick with psychic phone lines and horoscopes - a cheaper fix for life's problems and certainly as effective.
The thousands in good standing want a steady stream of cheap fixes in front of the set.
But the most overlooked cheap fix of all may be teaching staff members to be nice to others.
Contrary to what the committee apparently concluded, there will be no simple and cheap fix for our problems.
City administrators say it is a simple, cheap and permanent fix.