This is also the result of poor (or nonexistent) electromagnetic shielding in such cheap electronics.
In the 1970s, integrated circuits made the electronics small, light and cheap enough for multi-channel fully proportional control to become widely available.
Today that's all been replaced by cheap electronics as you can see here.
This isn't like going across the border for cheap electronics!
People who are benefiting from cheaper clothes, cheaper electronics goods still think of globalisation as job losses.
It sells fresh food, textiles, shoes and cheap electronics.
Russians buy up "rags" and cheap electronics in Harbin and trudge back to resell their goods across the former Soviet empire.
Sir Howard said Sony would combat the tide of cheaper electronics by focusing on products in which its technology and brand name could demand a premium.
From a mass producer of cheap electronics a decade ago, Samsung is now the world's largest producer of memory chips and flat screens.
Mutant Theatre, for percussion solo, radios, toys and cheap electronics (2001)